Air Fryer Spicy Roasted Peanuts Recipe 0 followers, 0 pins

Once you try air fryer( roasted peanuts, you'll never look back! Crispy, salty, and super satisfying, air fryer roasted peanuts are one of the simplest recipes ever. Store-bought roasted peanuts can contain a host of unwanted ingredients, so I always make mine! Whether we're hosting a festive event, enjoying a game day, or just craving a salty, crunchy snack, I make them for any occasion.
Ⅰ. Time Overview
One of the best things about using an air fryer is how quick and efficient it is. Here's a breakdown of the time you'll need to whip up these delicious roasted peanuts:

Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes

Yes, you read that right! In just 20 minutes, you can have a batch of perfectly roasted, spicy peanuts ready to enjoy. It's faster than running to the store and healthier, too!
Ⅱ. Ingredients and Equipment Needed
Before we dive into the cooking process, let's gather all the ingredients and equipment you'll need. Simplicity is key here, so you won't need much.
Raw Peanuts: 2 cups. You can find these at most grocery stores or online.
Olive Oil or Peanut Oil: 1-2 tablespoons. This helps the spices stick to the peanuts and adds a bit of healthy fat.
Salt: 1 teaspoon. Adjust to taste.
Smoked Paprika: 1 teaspoon. This adds a lovely smoky flavor.
Chili Powder: 1 teaspoon (optional, for extra spice). If you like your snacks with a kick, don’t skip this!
Air Fryer: Preferably a 5.8-quart size for best results. This size allows for even cooking and shaking of the peanuts.
Mixing Bowl: For combining the peanuts and seasonings.
Measuring Spoons: To ensure you get the right amount of each ingredient.
Ⅲ. How to Cook
Now, let's get to the fun part – cooking! Follow these steps for perfect air fryer roasted peanuts every time.
1. Prepare the Peanuts:
In a mixing bowl, combine the raw peanuts, olive oil, salt, smoked paprika, and chili powder. Toss everything together to ensure the peanuts are evenly coated with the seasoning. The oil helps the spices stick to the peanuts and ensures a nice, even roast.
2. Preheat the Air Fryer:
Preheating your air fryer is crucial for even cooking. Set your air fryer to 350°F (175°C) and let it preheat for about 3 minutes. This step helps jumpstart the roasting process and ensures your peanuts cook evenly.
3. Cook in Batches:
Depending on the size of your air fryer, you might need to cook the peanuts in batches. Place a portion of the peanuts in the air fryer basket, making sure they are in a single layer. This allows the hot air to circulate around each peanut, ensuring an even roast. If you overcrowd the basket, the peanuts won't cook as evenly.
4. Roast the Peanuts:
Set the air fryer to 350°F (175°C) and cook the peanuts for 10-15 minutes. Be sure to shake the basket every 5 minutes. This helps the peanuts roast evenly and prevents them from burning. After 10 minutes, start checking the peanuts for your desired level of roast. Remember, peanuts will continue to harden as they cool, so don’t overcook them.
5. Check for Doneness:
Peanuts can go from perfectly roasted to burnt quickly, so keep an eye on them during the last few minutes of cooking. Once they reach a nice golden brown color, they’re done. If you prefer a darker roast, you can cook them a bit longer, but be cautious.
6. Cool and Store:
Once the peanuts are done, remove them from the air fryer and let them cool completely. As they cool, they will become even crunchier. Store the cooled peanuts in an airtight container to maintain their freshness. They should last for several weeks, but I doubt they’ll stick around that long!
Ⅳ. Perfect Recipe Tips
To make sure your air fryer spicy roasted peanuts turn out perfectly every time, here are a few additional tips:
1.Peeling Peanuts:
If you prefer peeled peanuts, you can remove the skins after roasting. Once the peanuts have cooled, gently rub them between your fingers to remove the skins. This step is optional, but it can make for a slightly cleaner eating experience.
2.Batch Cooking:
Using the air fryer in batches ensures even heating. I use a 5.8-quart air fryer and cook this recipe in two batches. This size is perfect for ensuring that all the peanuts get an even roast without overcrowding the basket.
3.Shaking the Basket:
Shake the air fryer basket every 5 minutes to check the peanuts' roast level and ensure even cooking. This step is crucial for avoiding burnt spots and ensuring every peanut is perfectly roasted. Remember, peanuts will harden further after cooling, so they might seem slightly soft when you first take them out.
4.Adjusting Spices:
Feel free to adjust the spices to your taste. If you like more heat, add a bit more chili powder. If you prefer a different flavor profile, you could experiment with other spices like garlic powder, cumin, or even a touch of cinnamon for a sweet and spicy twist.
Ⅴ. Conclusion
There you have it – a simple, delicious recipe for air fryer spicy roasted peanuts. This snack is perfect for any occasion, from casual get-togethers to solo snacking sessions. With just a few ingredients and a trusty air fryer, you can whip up a batch of these addictive peanuts in no time.

Not only are these air fryer peanuts quick and easy to make, but they’re also much healthier than store-bought versions. You control the ingredients, so there are no unwanted preservatives or excessive amounts of salt. Plus, the smoky, spicy flavor is something you just can’t get from a bag of pre-packaged peanuts.

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