$ 40 Nutro Ultra Senior Dry Dog FoodAn aging dog needs food packed with high quality ingredients that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and mutrients like Glucosamine and Beta Carotene to help maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Nutro Ultra Senior Dry Dog Food provides all that and much more in every bite. Carefully chosen, high quality ingredients work together for the total health and well-being of your senior dog. Taking a holistic approach to senior dog nutrition, the benefits of Nutro Ultra Senior Dry Dog Food include radiant skin and coat, strong muscles, strong immune system, healthy joints and sharp vision. Radiant Skin & Coat: Contain a combination of whole brown rice, rolled oats, flaxseed nd narual sunflower oil that are rich in essential faty acids for a radiant skin and a shiny, soft coat - one of the best indicators of your dog' vitality. Strong Muscles: Three lean animal proteins from farm-raised chicken, pasture-fed lamb and salmon provide unique and complementary Amino Acids that work together to promote strong, lean muscles. Strong Immune System: Powerful antioxidants from sun-ripened blueberries, pomegranate, and cranberries, farm-grown spinach and carrots, and vine-ripened tomatoes work in synergy to help support and maintain a healthy immune system so your dog will have the best protection possible. Healthy Joints: Natural sources of Glucosamine and Chondroitin work together to help promote healthy joints with superfood ingredients like salmon and whole flaxseed so your healthy senior dog can run, jump and play fetch. Sharp Vision: Vitamin-rich superfoods like farm-grown carrots and spinach help promote healthy eyes and proper vision, so your dog will enjoy playing hide 'n' seek with his favorite toys.

Nutro Ultra Senior Dry Dog FoodAn aging dog needs food packed with high quality ingredients that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and mutrients like Glucosamine and Beta Carotene to help maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Nutro Ultra Senior Dry Dog Food provides all that and much more in every bite. Carefully chosen, high quality ingredients work together for the total health and well-being of your senior dog. Taking a holistic approach to senior dog nutrition, the benefits of Nutro Ultra Senior Dry Dog Food include radiant skin and coat, strong muscles, strong immune system, healthy joints and sharp vision. Radiant Skin & Coat: Contain a combination of whole brown rice, rolled oats, flaxseed nd narual sunflower oil that are rich in essential faty acids for a radiant skin and a shiny, soft coat - one of the best indicators of your dog' vitality. Strong Muscles: Three lean animal proteins from farm-raised chicken, pasture-fed lamb and salmon provide unique and complementary Amino Acids that work together to promote strong, lean muscles. Strong Immune System: Powerful antioxidants from sun-ripened blueberries, pomegranate, and cranberries, farm-grown spinach and carrots, and vine-ripened tomatoes work in synergy to help support and maintain a healthy immune system so your dog will have the best protection possible. Healthy Joints: Natural sources of Glucosamine and Chondroitin work together to help promote healthy joints with superfood ingredients like salmon and whole flaxseed so your healthy senior dog can run, jump and play fetch. Sharp Vision: Vitamin-rich superfoods like farm-grown carrots and spinach help promote healthy eyes and proper vision, so your dog will enjoy playing hide 'n' seek with his favorite toys.

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