explain the history and benefits of embryo rice and how you can get embryo rice. White rice is highly processed with substantial amount of artificial whitening agent, fragrance, and flavourings. The substances added during the process not only cause the nutrients in the grain to lose, continuously intake of white rice has been scientifically proven toxic and classified as main cause of cancers , and chronic disease, such as diabetes.
Due to the medically tested facts of white rice, people start to aware and resort to brown rice, where in brown rice the valuable nutrients are protected from the husk. However, despite its high and unexposed nutrients, brown rice is not favoured by most people.
Why? The reason simply because it is difficult to cook (have to soak in water for at least 2 hours before cook), difficult to eat (due to the rough surface), difficult to digest (due to the hard husk). So, many people still give up trying brown rice.
We want live as healthy as the Japanese and we want real nutrients in our rice, not just to fill the stomach. Is there a solution? Yes, you can use embryo rice!!
What is embryo rice? How can I get embryo rice? I cant buy embryo rice in the supermarket.
EUJIME HEALTH CLUB is the solution! Eujime Embryo Rice Machine can process the brown rice into embryo rice. Eujime Embryo Rice Machine will lightly, shred away the husk leaving the germ grain completed with nutrients. Additional value is you can even set how many percent you would like to shred away, plus the fiber-riched fine husk can be added into our food and drinks. Husk fiber helps in the colon cleansing and detoxification, weight loss, constipation and digestion.
Without adding sugar, whitening agents, fragrance and other substances, the embryo rice is safe and tasty to eat by all ages, even people with diabetes. the fiber helps in the colon cleansing which helps in detoxification of waste, weight loss, constipation and digestion.
Eating Embryo Rice, you will look slimmer, healthier, smarter and prettier like 10 years ago!
Anyone interested in this business opportunity is encouraged to contact us.
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