Home-made, organic alternative to a hot-water bottle. Based on our Cochin Chinese bantam Snowy, I designed and made this from what I had available -- a remnant of organic percale, left over from a sheet and the certified organic chicken grain I feed to our poultry. I have provided a link below for organic fabric and you can use all kinds of different sorts of grain. The heat/cold pad moulds to the body to relieve aches and pains from heaving pallets about and moving perches in cold weather.
Organic Fabric Suppliers I use -- if you know of any others please let me know.
Greenfibres, Totnes, Devon ,UK. http://www.greenfibres.com/pages/default.aspx - they also sell an organic undyed unbleached flannel, which would do really well.
La Cantata du chanvre, 25000 Besançon, France. http://www.cantate-du-chanvre.com
How I heat the warmer -- in our woodburner at 150 deg C (approx 300F) for 15 minutes. I turn it several times and I cover it with baking paper to prevent any possible damage to embroidery.
To use as a cold pad, freeze the Snowy warmer in a plastic bag for 3 hours and make a soothing treatment pad for sprains and bruises.
There are many sites on the internet telling how to microwave and heat wheat warmers in a conventional oven. As I have no experience of these it is better to consult them.
Music: Sonny's Mazurka: http://www.archive.org/details/rainy_night_in_the_bell_tent
Chauffée comme ici à cuisinière à bois, ou au four traditionnel ou à micro-ondes, la bouillotte Snuggly Snowy aux grains bio vous procure la bien-être et relaxation, décontracte les muscles et apaise les douleurs. Mise au congel (3 heures) vous pouvez l'utiliser aussi comme compresse froide.