Lab-inspired coffee The formula for a properly brewed cup of joe is:   Temperature + Grind size + Time = Coffee.   At the Portola Coffee Lab this formula is practiced on each cup using five methods: Japanese cold drip, Hario V60, Siphon, Trifecta and Slayer. The Siphon is a vacuum coffee maker that brews coffee using two chambers where vapor pressure and a vacuum produce the coffee.duggan - Business - The Orange County Register

Lab-inspired coffee The formula for a properly brewed cup of joe is: Temperature + Grind size + Time = Coffee. At the Portola Coffee Lab this formula is practiced on each cup using five methods: Japanese cold drip, Hario V60, Siphon, Trifecta and Slayer. The Siphon is a vacuum coffee maker that brews coffee using two chambers where vapor pressure and a vacuum produce the coffee.duggan - Business - The Orange County Register

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