Going Gluten-Free: Fad or Necessity? | I went gluten-free a little over a year ago. Since then I've heard gluten-free eating called a "craze" that lacks common sense, hurts the wheat industry, and randomly condemns an entire food group. Is gluten-free eating a fad -- or is it a necessity? After intense soul-searching and research, here is my answer to this question. | GNOWFGLINS.com

Going Gluten-Free: Fad or Necessity? | I went gluten-free a little over a year ago. Since then I've heard gluten-free eating called a "craze" that lacks common sense, hurts the wheat industry, and randomly condemns an entire food group. Is gluten-free eating a fad -- or is it a necessity? After intense soul-searching and research, here is my answer to this question. | GNOWFGLINS.com

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