This here is a clay oven and a hot bed built next to it that we call, lejanca, in Moldova. I grew up with one of these!! When you build a fire in the oven the bed gets hot too! A version of this was at my house. It was a magical time in my childhood when my country couldn't pay for electricity so they would shut it down between 5 pm to 10 pm every day. We made our own candles and snuggled on the hot bed watching shadows on the walls, listening to the wind howling outside and telling stories.

This here is a clay oven and a hot bed built next to it that we call, lejanca, in Moldova. I grew up with one of these!! When you build a fire in the oven the bed gets hot too! A version of this was at my house. It was a magical time in my childhood when my country couldn't pay for electricity so they would shut it down between 5 pm to 10 pm every day. We made our own candles and snuggled on the hot bed watching shadows on the walls, listening to the wind howling outside and telling stories.

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