$ 74 Pinnacle Duck and Potato Dry Dog Food Pinnacle Duck and Potato is a balanced formula that meets the comprehensive dietary needs of adult dogs, as well as puppies. It provides your dog natural sources of protein, essential in building your dog's strong muscles. A great source of complex carbohydrates, this formula supports a healthy body and energetic lifestyle. Rich in Omega 6 and 3 fatty acids, it helps promote skin and coat health. The great taste will make it a favorite of your best friend. Features: For all adult dogs Also recommended for puppies Duck Meal is the first ingredient Nutrient rich for a healthy immune system Omega Fatty acids for skin and coat health Carbohydrates for energy Promotes optimal health and vitality Made in the USA Item Specifications: Flavor: Duck and Potato Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein: min 23.0% Crude Fat: min 13.0% Crude Fiber: max 3.5% Moisture: max 10.0% Omega-6 Fatty Acids: min 2.45% Omega-3 Fatty Acids: min 0.76% Ingredients: Duck Meal, Duck, Oatmeal, Oat Flour, Potatoes, Tomato Pomace (Source Of Lycopene), Canola Oil (Preserved With Mixed Tocopherols), Alfalfa Meal, Natural Flavor, Flax Seed (Source Of Omega-3 Fatty Acid), Potassium Chloride, Salt, Kelp Meal, Organic Quinoa Seed Meal, Vitamins (Choline Chloride, a-Tocopherol Acetate (Source Of Vitamin E), Niacin, Calcium Pantothenate, Vitamin A Supplement, Ascorbic Acid (Source Of Vitamin C), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Source Of Vitamin B6), Thiamine Mononitrate (Source Of Vitamin B1), Riboflavin Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Biotin, Folic Acid), Minerals (Zinc Sulfate, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Ferrous Sulfate, Iron Amino Acid Chelate, Manganous Sulfate, Manganese Amino Acid Chelate, Copper Sulfate, Copper Amino Acid Chelate, Sodium Selenite, Calcium Iodate), Lecithin, Rosemary Extract, Sage Extract, Pineapple Stem (Source Of Bromelain), Papain, Dried Bacillus Subtilis Fermentation Product, Dried Aspergillus Oryzae Fermentation Product

Pinnacle Duck and Potato Dry Dog Food Pinnacle Duck and Potato is a balanced formula that meets the comprehensive dietary needs of adult dogs, as well as puppies. It provides your dog natural sources of protein, essential in building your dog's strong muscles. A great source of complex carbohydrates, this formula supports a healthy body and energetic lifestyle. Rich in Omega 6 and 3 fatty acids, it helps promote skin and coat health. The great taste will make it a favorite of your best friend. Features: For all adult dogs Also recommended for puppies Duck Meal is the first ingredient Nutrient rich for a healthy immune system Omega Fatty acids for skin and coat health Carbohydrates for energy Promotes optimal health and vitality Made in the USA Item Specifications: Flavor: Duck and Potato Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein: min 23.0% Crude Fat: min 13.0% Crude Fiber: max 3.5% Moisture: max 10.0% Omega-6 Fatty Acids: min 2.45% Omega-3 Fatty Acids: min 0.76% Ingredients: Duck Meal, Duck, Oatmeal, Oat Flour, Potatoes, Tomato Pomace (Source Of Lycopene), Canola Oil (Preserved With Mixed Tocopherols), Alfalfa Meal, Natural Flavor, Flax Seed (Source Of Omega-3 Fatty Acid), Potassium Chloride, Salt, Kelp Meal, Organic Quinoa Seed Meal, Vitamins (Choline Chloride, a-Tocopherol Acetate (Source Of Vitamin E), Niacin, Calcium Pantothenate, Vitamin A Supplement, Ascorbic Acid (Source Of Vitamin C), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Source Of Vitamin B6), Thiamine Mononitrate (Source Of Vitamin B1), Riboflavin Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Biotin, Folic Acid), Minerals (Zinc Sulfate, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Ferrous Sulfate, Iron Amino Acid Chelate, Manganous Sulfate, Manganese Amino Acid Chelate, Copper Sulfate, Copper Amino Acid Chelate, Sodium Selenite, Calcium Iodate), Lecithin, Rosemary Extract, Sage Extract, Pineapple Stem (Source Of Bromelain), Papain, Dried Bacillus Subtilis Fermentation Product, Dried Aspergillus Oryzae Fermentation Product

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