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DESCRIPTION: Foster Farms chicken may have infected and sickened more than 10,000 people due to contamination of the meat with fecal material.

Salmonella contamination is also a problem in the U.S. egg supply, sickening more than 100,000 people every year. See my video Total Recall (

Other pathogens in meat include Yersinia enterocolitica in pork (, Staphylococcus (, MRSA (, Hepatitis E (, bladder-infecting E coli (, Clostridium difficile (, and Campylobacter, the most common bacterial chicken pathogen (

Poultry appears to cause the most outbreaks, but is all chicken to blame equally? See my video Superbugs in Conventional Chicken vs. Organic Chicken (

How is it legal for Foster Farms to continue to ship our meat known to be contaminated with a dangerous pathogen? See my previous video: Why is Selling Salmonella Tainted Chicken Still Legal? ( And my next video: Chicken Salmonella Thanks to Meat Industry Lawsuit (

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