$ 14 Dr. Harvey s Canine Health is a revolutionary all-natural holistic dog food pre-mix. This is because Dr. Harvey uses only the finest organic and all-natural human consumption ingredients in his dog food pre-mix. Canine Health this miracle of all-natural dog foods is made with no dyes no preservatives and no chemicals. When this super healthy all-natural dog food is combined with fresh protein and oils the result is the healthiest all-natural dog food available for your companion dog. Ingredients: Organic Brown Rice Organic Kamut Organic Oats Organic Spelt Organic Barley Organic Triticale Potatoes Carrots Zucchini Sweet Potatoes Peas Broccoli Green Beans Beets Calcium Citrate Parsley Lecithin Garlic Bee Pollen Nutritional Yeast Alfalfa Rose Hips Red Clover Oat Straw Flax Seed Meal Papaya Rosemary Dandelion Peppermint Ginger Spirulina Fenugreek Basil Leaf Fennel Seed. 20 oz. - makes 8 one pound servings 5lbs - makes 33 one pound servings 10lbs - makes 66 one pound servings

Dr. Harvey s Canine Health is a revolutionary all-natural holistic dog food pre-mix. This is because Dr. Harvey uses only the finest organic and all-natural human consumption ingredients in his dog food pre-mix. Canine Health this miracle of all-natural dog foods is made with no dyes no preservatives and no chemicals. When this super healthy all-natural dog food is combined with fresh protein and oils the result is the healthiest all-natural dog food available for your companion dog. Ingredients: Organic Brown Rice Organic Kamut Organic Oats Organic Spelt Organic Barley Organic Triticale Potatoes Carrots Zucchini Sweet Potatoes Peas Broccoli Green Beans Beets Calcium Citrate Parsley Lecithin Garlic Bee Pollen Nutritional Yeast Alfalfa Rose Hips Red Clover Oat Straw Flax Seed Meal Papaya Rosemary Dandelion Peppermint Ginger Spirulina Fenugreek Basil Leaf Fennel Seed. 20 oz. - makes 8 one pound servings 5lbs - makes 33 one pound servings 10lbs - makes 66 one pound servings

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